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By aevans April 19, 2016
Client’s Andover, MA home had been auctioned at foreclosure sale while clients were in the process of attempting to obtain a loan modification from their mortgage company. Client also had substantial credit card debt, tax debt and medical bills. We immediately filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case on behalf of the client and filed a [..] The post Chapter 13 bankruptcy saves client’s home in Andover, MA appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
By aevans April 19, 2016
Client came to us two days before foreclosure auction on his home in Newburyport, MA. Client had fallen behind on mortgage and credit card payments after having been laid off 18 months earlier. Client had been unsuccessful in obtaining loan modification due to lack of income. We filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy on behalf of [..] The post Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Provides Fresh Start appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
By aevans April 19, 2016
Our client, a small business owner in Salem, MA, was the sole shareholder of a corporation. The corporation owed substantial trade debt as well as tax liabilities to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue for unpaid taxes for which the client had been determined to be individually responsible. The business, a restaurant, had only one significant [..] The post Business Debt Personal Liability Eliminated appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
By aevans April 19, 2016
A divorced client came to us after her ex-spouse had filed bankruptcy to ensure that her rights under a Separation Agreement and Divorce Judgment were protected. The client’s spouse had filed bankruptcy seeking to discharge his obligations to his ex-wife. On behalf of our client, we objected to the ex-husband’s Chapter 13 Plan and filed [..] The post Protect Rights Under a Separation Agreement and Divorce Judgment appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
By aevans April 19, 2016
Client came to us three months behind on first mortgage, with substantial credit card debt, and second and third mortgages (home equity lines of credit) which client was unable to pay. The client had also been sued by a credit card company and its debt collectors, resulting in a judgment lien on the client’s home. [..] The post Preserve Retirement Funds and Remove Liens appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
By aevans April 19, 2016
Our client, a community bank, had been thwarted on numerous occasions by a commercial customer’s multiple abusive Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings which were designed to thwart the bank’s legitimate efforts to regain its collateral. On behalf of our client, we successfully objected to a continuation of the automatic stay and, after an evidentiary hearing, obtained [..] The post Obtained Dismissal of the Debtor’s Bankruptcy Proceeding appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
By aevans April 19, 2016
Husband and Wife clients nearing retirement (with husband facing a chronic illness) came to us with $40,000.00 in credit card debt, personal loans and medical bills. The Client was struggling to maintain minimum payments on these bills but not making any progress in reducing principal. The Client was extremely concerned about retirement and hopeless about [..] The post Retiring Couple Obtains Discharge Through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy appeared first on Evans & Evans, P.C..
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