If you or a family member has suffered injuries from a car or motorcycle accident, or as the result of a dog bite, fall or building defect, or you believe you have been the victim of medical malpractice, call us now a 1-800-439-2166 to schedule a free confidential consultation.
The personal injury lawyers at Evans & Evans, P.C. represent clients who have suffered personal injury resulting from the following types of accidents or events:
These types of cases can generally be pursued on a contingency basis if we agree to represent you. That means you pay no legal fees until we secure a settlement or verdict in your case.
Call the Personal Injury attorneys at Evans & Evans, P.C. today. We serve the Greater Boston and Boston’s North Shore region including the communities of Amesbury, Andover, Beverly, Boxford, Hamilton, Haverhill, North Andover, North Reading, Gloucester, Ipswitch, Manchester, Marblehead, Middleton, Newburyport, Salem, Topsfield, Wenham, Middlesex County and Essex County, Massachusetts.
Phone: (978) 548-5174
Email: andrew@evansevanslaw.com
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