Practice Areas

If you or a family member has suffered injuries from a car or motorcycle accident, or as the result of a dog bite, fall or building defect, or you believe you have been the victim of medical malpractice, call us now a 1-800-439-2166 to schedule a free confidential consultation. The personal injury lawyers at Evans [..]

Now: Virtual/Online Meeting and Bankruptcy Filing Plan Available. Meet with us from the comfort of your home or office! Click here for more information. Affordable, Effective Bankruptcy & Debt Relief Lawyers Serving the North Shore and Greater Boston for over 50 years “I was so fortunate to have had Andrew Evans for my [..]

It goes almost without saying that Divorce is one of the most stressful and difficult events in your lifetime. The emotional and financial problems and issues associated with divorce seem overwhelming – let the attorneys at Evans & Evans, P.C. help you begin to bring order back to your universe. We are experienced Boston and [..]

Are you looking for an inexpensive, Virtual Estate Planning Solution? See our Virtual Estate Planning Menu Creating an estate plan is a serious but necessary matter with numerous, complex factors to be considered, from preserving and efficiently passing your property to your chosen beneficiaries, reducing or minimizing estate taxes, avoiding probate court, planning for a special [..]

A thoughtful and proactive asset protection plan, whether as a standalone or more commonly as an adjunct to your estate or business planning, is critical to safeguarding your life’s work and savings from creditors, baseless lawsuits, and former (or soon to be former) spouses. Business owners, professionals such as doctors, dentists, lawyers and accountants, and [..]

At Evans & Evans, P.C., we represent individuals and businesses in greater Boston and on the North Shore in all types of real estate issues, including purchases, sales and leases, condominium conversions and developments, land use issues, mortgage foreclosures and real estate disputes. When you are entering into a real estate transaction, or if you [..]

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